Cuddly manatee "attack" 😍

Plus, cat meows on command.

It’s a purrfect day to laugh. 😹 We’ve got what you need to do just that! In fact, you have to see it to believe the hilarity. Check out the view from a cat feeder camera.

Cuteness Showdown! 🥹

Which is cuter?

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Close up of the view of someone on a kayak. Part of the kayak and the person's leg can be seen. A manatee lays in the water, holding onto the kayaker's leg

Kayaker Looks Down To Find Cuddly Manatee Holding Her Hostage

This might be the cutest animal “attack” ever.

Image shows gray fox adolescent thriving after release.

Wildlife Rescue Center Gives Heartwarming Update On Pair Of Newly-Released Gray Foxes

This was such a rewarding sight for their rescuers!

A baby wombat with a text overlay reading, "Have you ever seen a baby wombat with hiccups?"

Baby Wombat Wins The Internet Over With Adorable Hiccups

Get ready to say, “Aww!”

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Trivia Time! 🤔

elephant GIF

True or false: Elephants can't jump.

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Wildlife Wonders

If any insect resembles an alien species, it’s the conehead mantis, or Empusa pennata. Sightings of this Mediterranean creature are rare, but some lucky photographers have managed to capture footage. Click the post above to check out a recent video of the elusive mantis!

Trivia Answer 🗳️

True 👍

According to the Smithsonian magazine, elephants can’t jump because they don’t need to. Plus, their skeletons simply aren’t designed to spring from the ground.

“If you were to look at an elephant’s skeleton, you’ll see that they’re standing on their tippy toes,” says Tony Barthel, curator of Elephant Trails and the Cheetah Conservation Station at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo. “All the bones are pointed straight down.”

One Last Tail Wag

A man smiling while his cat sits in the background.

Cat Dad Trains Kitty To Meow On Command & The Proof Is Adorable

He couldn’t be prouder of his “daughter.”