This toad has 😍 — literally!

Plus, disabled otter is living his best life.

We’ve goat a question. 🐐

What can out-cute a baby goat? Nothing, that’s what! Baalieve us, when it comes to adorable animals, these kids are the G.O.A.T.

Psst… it’s Tuesday. Here’s some Tuesday Trivia 🤓

True or false: Squirrels have the ability to climb and descend trees headfirst.

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🚨 Breaking Mews

Left image shows a closeup of a toad with heart shaped pupils. Right image shows the same type of toad from the side.
Meet The Adorable Amphibian With Heart-Shaped Pupils

However you feel about toads, you can’t deny the cuteness here. 😍

A little girl smiles at the horse she leased for practice.
When Little Girl Falls In Love With A Horse She’s Leasing, Mom’s Got The Perfect Surprise

The little girl’s reaction was so sweet!

A disabled otter with a piece of food in his mouth.
Rufus The Disabled River Otter Finds Home After His Mother Was Hit & Killed By A Car

It hasn’t been an easy road for Rufus, but he’s living his best life now!

Tuesday Trivia Answer:

True 👍

Squirrels are known for their ability to climb and descend trees headfirst with ease. So, how do they do it?! With unique ankle joints and sharp claws that give them excellent grip. And get this: They can even climb trees backwards!

🐾 Paws for More

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🐝 What’s Buzzin’ Online

🐶 One Last Tail Wag

A hamster eating dinner off a tiny plate on a table made from a can.

Everyone deserves to have a nice (tiny) dinner out once in a while, even a hamster! 😄

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